Garaks Forehead Thing


If you were the real Garak, you'd know that I run shit around here, not you.

Heh.  Sarcasm + the internet = cocktail of poison.

Did it really originally say "chicken and waffles?"

Since my sassy comment got censored, I suppose I better take a reasonable crack at thoughtfully explaining why Mr. Murray is wrong, what I think "white" means to people and why using “white” as a pejorative is a good thing.



To elaborate (since my caffeine high hasn't worn off, and my adoring public of one has spoken), let's take a look at one case where the show presents one thing, the critics say another and Ms. Dunham takes it a step further, into someplace darker and uglier.

Yeah, certainly, that's a good way of summarizing the show.

Not too many singers have the courage to ape the delivery of late-90s G Love.

I don't actually agree.  Or more specifically, I would say that it's reasonable and fair to judge a show based upon all of the creator's efforts surrounding that show.

Too true.  The whole nepotism argument is bizarre to me, as it seems more motivated by personal jealousies than an actual complaint.

Thanks buddy, sincerely appreciated.

I had a thought the other day: I would enjoy the show much more if the critics and producers weren't holding it up as both a document and a documentary about out times.

Yeah, I hear you.  That might be part of the problem.  Korra and Mako are, at this point, perhaps the least compelling/colorful of the entire cast.  Mostly because the rest of the cast is so good.  Tenzin and his children, for example, are really a pleasure to listen to.

It does look intense, and interesting, but it also seems to be doubling down on the faster pace.

Don't get me wrong, I'm definitely going to give it time.  To give you a better idea of what's getting at me, compare this episode to the "Southern Air Temple" episode of ATLA (also E03 in the series).

Obviously I'm going to be patient and generous with this show - I loved ATLA and really liked the first two episodes of Korra - but this episode felt flat to me.  I gave some thought as to why, and came up with:

I should have added "anywhere that doesn't look like ass."

Anyone know where I can see this online, legally?