
What about Mentok the Mindtaker?  

Community going Wicker Man might take it past Arrested Development. 

Community going Wicker Man might take it past Arrested Development. 

As opposed to Peggy singing "Bye Bye Birdie"?

As opposed to Peggy singing "Bye Bye Birdie"?

The kids in L.A. will still like you if you're into Paul Oakenfold and freebasing:

Yeah, but the article is wrong about that.  There was no change in the statute that made sampling illegal.  Basically, the courts decided that the law always prohibited sampling. 

I've been to Norway AND I am a lawyer in America.  What he says checks out. 

In school, I thought that Yoknapatawpha was made up to sound ridiculous.  Nope.  That's what county names in Mississippi look like.  Cf. Itawamba. 

I think your appreciation should depend on how hyper local the references are.  People need the real Music City experience.

That song keeps Blood on the Tracks from being perfect.

I see what you did there. 

And uh there’s no reason to, you know, blot the page with weird little marks. . . . I mean if you write properly you shouldn’t have to punctuate.

But it is!

Mohammed, Elijah the prophet, Jesus. . .plenty of people. 

I didn't major in counting, but it looks like you gave four out of six of his books a positive review, although one can't really tell what "pretty bleh" means.  Assuming that really was a negative review, you're still at three out of six.

Yoga flame?!

I love that Australia has a carpet business that's had the same jingle for the last 30 years too.  It'd be great if there was an Aussie carpet man too.

While that is true, the compulsory licensing statute doesn't apply to this.  You can't get a compulsory license to sample or to create a derivative work.  I only listened to a bit of it, so I don't know if these are master samples or just re-recordings of the compositions.  If they are master samples, then there is no

. . .because that would be a 10 yard penalty, repeat 1 first down.