I've kind of been wondering about the scientific logistics — the physics and the biology — of zombie survival myself. How are they, uhh, powered?
I've kind of been wondering about the scientific logistics — the physics and the biology — of zombie survival myself. How are they, uhh, powered?
I haven't read the comics, but one of my friends who has said to me that everything that's occurred (up to this point in the show) all happened in the first book/comic (plus more). So, if that is the case — even if they're faithfully adapting it — the show does seem a bit dragged out, no?
Hopefully this leads to an increased budget so they don't spend the entire third season tethered to that prison like the damned farm. A show about the zombie apocalypse needs some changes of scenery and, no, periodic ventures into the forest don't count. Even the highway episodes from this past season were — in the…
If you're caught up on Breaking Bad, Justified, Game of Thrones, Boardwalk Empire and Spartacus, then, yes, it's worth watching. It's also a very small time commitment (19 episodes, I believe, for a total of probably 13 hours of actual running time). It's also probably one of the few shows that seemingly everyone…
Guy Pearce is also in Prometheus. I don't want to study this trailer too closely so I can go in relatively fresh, but I didn't see him in there.
@avclub-d7f43e1fb2d4977c86163d9b0cb07814:disqus, I don't think that it being a moot point in retrospect excuses Rick. He's not an omniscient being; he doesn't know when someone is going to die of an aneurysm or something.
I think it was a valid concern for others to have. Let's say you're with someone sick or dying or recently dead from what appear to be natural causes. If you don't know that they will turn into zombies, you wouldn't have your guard up. Like, imagine mourning over your wife dying from pneumonia because you can't get…
DEXTER spoilers! Remember when Dexter went on a road trip with ghost-bro and shot at road signs while driving a moving car? I thought that was utterly ridiculous, but somehow bought the shooting from this episode. I guess I'm saying that Dexter is on a shorter leash than even The Walking Dead.
That comment is a dangerously short hop away from getting into the abortion debate.
That guy? That was Jimmy Two Times, who got that nickname because he screamed everything in agony twice, like, "GRRALAAAABMRRHPHRAHA, GRRALAAAABMRRHPHRAHA," as he was torn from limb to limb.
So what you're saying is… I'm right in continuing to add to my DVD collection? Streaming won't survive the apocalypse.
I had some big comment that I backspaced about Shane being the Prince Consort to Lori's Queen, but the analogy fell apart because it's pretty late now. Rick factored in there too as the rightful King or something and Carl was the Crown Prince. Or maybe he was the jester. I don't know, it's been a long day.
I also thought the prison shot was confusing. I guess it had to be effectively hooded since the prison probably hasn't been cast yet either.
Oh your comment took me back to the halcyon days of season 1 of Lost, when I would track all the guns and bullets and freak the fuck out when they'd switch hands from Jack to Sawyer and back again, changing the, ahem, balance of power. It was… a simpler time.
I agree 100%; as someone else who has no other exposure to her, she is completely insufferable here. I know someone who could not stomach the show because they did not like Michael Scott, and I basically looked upon him with bewilderment at the time: how can one character ruin an entire show? Well, now I totally…
Ugh, Guest is the worst.
So we're all checking who liked this comment, right? One day when the AV Club adds down-voting/disliking, we will have our revenge.
Hey, he had a screener.
It's even mentioned in the review, as the last bullet point. I think everyone is skipping straight to the comments and will read the review when it dies down.
Magic? — you ruined the magic of wondering how The VDW operates. No one wants to know how the sausage is made.