Seth Bullock

I have no idea what either of you is talking about, but am imagining both of you with onions on your belts.

Aaand we're back at Wolf. Decadence is a flat circle.

Anytime anyone says "fuck" anything, I now imagine The Hound saying it.

If you like your console, you can keep it.

That man? The new Secretary of the Treasury.

The AV Club

Meanwhile, Caleb Netflix is having an air-orgy, Wolf of Wall Street-style. He's surely going to live forever.

Something about seeing Simon Baker in that role has always brought out that feeling of uncanny valley to me.

This might sound kind of silly, but I've thought in the past that someone should launch a campaign to have casting directors, producers, directors and writers all pledge to use a sort of 'random ethnicity generator' which would reflect the makeup of the state/city in which a movie or show is set. This would only be

That's some Franco-level philosophizing there. We're through the looking glass now, people.

If it goes VIRAL and TRENDS and it HASHTAGS the MEME from CITIZEN JOURNALISTS and DIGG and I-don't-know-what-these-words-mean-anymore then maybe.

Actively seeking to deprive those with older technology who haven't upgraded yet of their ability to watch Dennis Hopper chew—and spit out—scenery is its own form of harm.

13. Death at a Funeral
14. …Death at a Funeral

Fashionably late is so in for the season.

As a huge fan of Game of Thrones and Mad Men who planned on watching both live, I was too thrown-off by what happened in the former to watch the latter.

GRRM probably felt the same way—what with the concurrent rise to apparent prominence of Ramsay Snow. Like the Highlander, there can be only one spoiled psychopath.

The more that I think about it, the more I'm coming around to suspect Tywin now actually. I've thought some more about his season 1 monologue (with Jaime or Tyrion) in which he talks about how in a thousand years—long after they are all dead—all that will live on is their Lannister name. After repeatedly seeing how

There is no password. Only perception.

He's turned into a regular Johnny Hollywood with his mainstream movies about wrongfully imprisoned Iranians.