
Bustin' makes me feel good!

I come from a long line of line standers.

"I wonder if my old football injury is affecting the economy."

Didn't wanna like that comment… felt I owed it to you.

Management potential written all over him.

Have we done the Bizarre Objects of Lust list yet? 

Watch it man, they're calling the crops!

Who has that kind of time? 

(psst — show her the van!)

You guessed wrong.

If I ever run into him, I'll be sure to start singing it, to get him back for that image of Bobby Peru.

That was such a sweet character.



It might just change your mind.

At the "Hideout"?  I don't think that word means what you think it means. 

Did I stutter?

Play it loud!

We gonna get you high today, Monte. 

My metronome didn't come back from the cleaners!