
I would watch that. It would be like a dark re-imagining of the Snorks. Which is something I would actually rather see now that I have typed it.

wait which part

Yeah! New York! Dicks to everybody! All the time! New York!

One Man's Ceiling is Another Man's Floor

Ok I'll ask - what is yoga butt?


I am familiar with the story to which you are referring, and no, no it is not.

I warmed up to it the second time round, simply because of the way it enriches the rest of what happens. But boy oh boy the first time through that thing was boooooooring (with notable exceptions).

Downvoting out of turn? That's a downvote.
Looking away from a downvote? That's a downvote.
Staring at a downvote? That's a downvote.
Downvote a downvote? Oh you better believe that's a downvote.

Hey man - I'm going to downvote your comment now, but only because I think that it is now funny to do so. Ok got to go click a thing.

Well if they are then my whole novel up there is moot.

You bet your sweet ass he will!  The dude playing the father-in-law in the trailer is Greg Davies, and he's terrific.

Was a semi-colon the right call in your final sentence?  Me, I'd have gone with a comma.

@avclub-9c31505fc8e3def1e6d7e1eada5038ef:disqus there's a growing disconnect between orthodox Libertarians and TP folks - Joe Lhota (current NYC Mayoral candidate) is a good example of this.

Because for the folks that weren't looking at it through the spectrum of self defense and 2nd amendment rights, it was a reminder of our nation's darkest moments in grappling with issues of race.  For many folks, it was a reminder of times when (and in some places still, clearly) black folks or any not-white-person

Comedy Central S&P: "Matt, Trey.  Thanks for coming in.  So you're script says that Token is going to be murdered - who, let us remind you, is a black character named 'Token' - and his killer, a white person, will get away with it.  Let's talk about that."

I liked a Million Little Fibers - not in a way that I would ever want to watch it again - but in how it reveled in what a terrible character Towelie is.  He is such a poor idea, and such a poor character, that he is fantastic. I adore every opportunity to hate Towelie.

I think you are probably right - like episode where it turns out that it was Saddam Hussein who had the Wizard of Oz or Prime Minister or whatever screwing with Canada, and they'd just found Hussein in the spider hole, like what, 3 days before or something?  That's incredible turn-around time, and is so topical it

So I thought your overall point was interesting, but there's one thing I'd like to dive into: you've been watching Duck Dynasty over South Park.