
I would.  It's noteworthy.  Like the chick that went home with Quentin Tarantino, and then he jerked off while sucking on her feet - that was probably a pretty weird evening for her.  But between her having that experience, and me relaying it to you here, she went ahead and made lemonade.

Ah. A rape joke.  Good job, Tosh.0.

I had the exact same taste when I was younger and watching this stuff on MTV Europe.

@avclub-fd172dda9796767557675385e915cab4:disqus no it does not.  The greatest generation weathered the Great Depression and fought WWII, meaning that for the most part, they were born in the 1920s.  They would have been a bit young to cause stock market collapses and genocide (to wit, Hitler was born in 1889).  You

@avclub-29501df08e5d9ae59e432e4f188d3735:disqus Carlsberg is the mass market brew of Denmark, but it's more interesting than many.  British people like to drink and then fight, which describes their relationship to many beverages.
Incidentally, Carlsberg is a lager, and it was Danish biologists in the employ of the

Regarding the JFK Berliner joke: the confection is a pfannekuchen (literally, pan cake), which is Berlin specialty, and is known throughout Germany as a Berliner.  However, if one were outside of a bakery anywhere in the country, and used the word Berliner, no one would think that they were referring to anything other

Steve Buscemi is in the rare class of celebrity where, were it not for the fact that he is famous and therefore recognizable, if you saw him near a playground, you'd get worried for the kids.  I don't think there's a lot of famous people that have that jarring sort of appearance.

@avclub-9ff7c9eb9d37f434db778f59178012da:disqus perhaps you meant Fist of the First Men?


@avclub-a1967e6de4ca99fb2635d94b99453928:disqus thank you for being you.  I can't wait for Winds of Winter, and I'll look forward to reading it whenever GRRM finishes it.

If they just need to get the idea past HBO's CEO of Tits, Stranger in a Strange Land would work super well.

Anybody have the inside word on Defiance?  Cause it looks God-awful.

@avclub-b438f33d120fae67d78ea4cbe43de909:disqus @avclub-e95a45d0b1f5afdf0ab9cde82b4b1d06:disqus SPOILERS AHOY

With you on this.  But based on what he's said in interviews and the spacing of the books themselves, I think it may simply be that he takes a while to write these things - while he may have the major places where he intends to take the plot, he doesn't have a roadmap made yet, and is figuring that out as he goes

Sweet Jesus. Do people get this worked up when they see white people playing sitars? What about Japanese people playing guitars? OR WHITE AUSTRALIANS PLAYING DIGGERIDOOS?!?!?!? ALSO HOW DO YOU SPELL THAT LAST ONE?!??!!

yes, they are good

Bingo - that was wild to hear come out of Dunham's mouth regarding the characters.  Hannah was not "there" for Adam, she's just hooking herself back up to his spigot, with all the positivity  and negativity that comes with it.

Great thing about watching this on demand is that you get Lena Dunham's commentary.  Which is great solely on the level that you can find out what the writer was thinking - which in this case was an unironic moment of two characters finding each other again.

Ok, then safe to say that they're rustled?

@avclub-2e4c0fffc8488719169ae93b5c17b66e:disqus that is almost certainly true.  What I'm wondering is if for Hannah and Adam, we've seen just the total pits of their existence, and least for this stretch of their lives?  And that for Shoshanna and Marnie, we're not there yet, but we're getting awfully close?
By the by,