
@avclub-55ab1e0836b46cc575ee502254e68ea9:disqus have you considered putting on an opera featuring the new Pope and guns?

To be fair: that show is pretty entertaining.  And after you've watched a fictional person push another fictional person they care about through the Emotional Abuse and Sexual Degradation Log Ride, maybe you don't have to second guess yourself for wanting to watch some rednecks coat their place of work in flour in

I don't think Marnie and Shosh have found that bottom yet - and if Hannah hasn't yet, then fuck.  I don't think Jessa has found her bottom either, unless we're supposed to see that because of the heroin she's the most experienced of the characters, not just in the world but emotionally.

Truth be told - I have made a point of seeing each episode of this season, but seeing the reaction to the Patrick Wilson episode, I purposefully did not watch it.  I think the narrative that they've (cough Len Dunham) have been building over the season is fantastic, and I can appreciate where they'd want to hit pause

@avclub-af8127a980a98471f696a5a395b9088d:disqus I think you're deliberately overlooking the other factors in that extended scene.  Your reduction - that the scene's intensity is derived from where Adam chose to bust his nut - is incorrect.

I would happily watch a show about Magnitude and Leonard solving petty crimes. It'd be like a horrible nightmare universe version of Andy Barker, PI, and would get canceled way quicker.  That show would be awesome.

What I can't figure out is if it's genuine, or self-aware.  Thoughts there?


In other news, cough syrup apparently still gets you high.

"You might have saved the Emerald City, but I saved this movie."


Or is it Jarl-ing?

Seen the first two now - would read reviews if you all made them.

You are completely missing the point of America

@avclub-6ffc79f9decf633c29b09e6c25621195:disqus that is beyond the pale.  There's no way that could be any good.

Lies! They cannot be the best chip ever made if they are not an Utz Crab Chip.  The Vatican and US House of Representatives have both issued proclamations to that effect.

The Sriracha ones were pretty good - they're the only genuinely spicy chip out there.  Also, the chicken and waffles is pretty ok, but the cheesy bread is atrocious.  Eating those was like getting punched in the mouth by sour-cream-and-onion-flavored-fists, and then just as your sense are returning, somebody rubs

"I can already tell that Fat Camp is going to be no fun at all."

@avclub-cd01e5786d65f27654ca570edef28c69:disqus Harmon had an amazing vision, and was able to weave some pretty great stories for 3 seasons.  He was almost a complete bastard to most of the staff, and created significant friction with some already tricky characters.

Which is a swell point and all, and very important for all of us to acknowledge and respect that folks come to different conclusions about themselves than we might make for them.  Fair play.