
Why do AV Club articles increasingly read like Freshman year assignments?

Before beginning, I love potatoes as much as the next person, and appreciate your appreciation of them. If you are, however, a potato of love, then I am doubly interested.

Your previous comment on this thread, before you edited it, read, "What about the nazis?".

You just mentioned nazis above. What the shit.

Godwin's Law in action! [Sad Trombone]

Read the rest of the discussion. That is what the folks articulating an anti-Roma position are saying.

The view would be expressed just as above - "It's a tough situation - this population causes a lot of problems, but we recognize the structural constraints that help perpetuate that. It's also a tough issue because of our region's history of dealing with minority groups. We need them to not be criminals, and to

You know that's not what anyone's saying.

For the love of God. @SendLawyersGuns&Sheltie says "you're using age old stereotypes", and your fucking response is, "Yes".

Also, my forebears in colonial America were most certainly foreign conquerors, but that was not their self-description. You are a millennial historian - so perhaps this is an area you have not yet covered?

You do sound like some blinkered central-European nationalist. How long have the Roma been in your country? And how long has the concept of whatever nation you belong to been in existence? And what about the generations of Roma that have been born in the same sliver of the world as your ancestors - they now have less

You are the first European on this page (and the first European I have heard) to express a nuanced view of the Roma. Bless you.

Sweet Christ this whole discussion is baffling. Nearly everyone in this forum would be horrified at gross generalizations of any group - with the exception of the Roma. And the back up for this seems to be one of two things: a, I was a tourist and boy they sure did/try to cheat me!, or b, I have heard they're very bad

Maybe so, but the city is still filled with Philadelphians.

Get where you're coming from - but they're pretty grounded, insomuch as any artists are. Also, they're from the Baltimore-side of Maryland, and shit's a little to real over for there for a proper Hipster; they wanna bemoan urban decay and poverty, but not actually see it or do anything about it.

I realize this is meant to be about bad tutorials, but Fallout 2 had a particularly good one.

Oh man if somebody has the nuts and logistics to bring in a marching band to back up this bad bitch, that'd be even sweeter

Saddam a-go-go

The Clash - Safe European Home

The Jam - A Town Called Malice