
Death does seem a distinct possibility for Trump, although whether by nature, his dietary habits or by violent means is anyone's guess.

Ivanka's comments ring hollow as long as her daddy/lover remains in the WH.

Because they're weak, pathetic, insecure little losers.

He's down in South America for the week, both (a) to get clear of Trump's shitstorm and (b) practice for when he has to do it as the chief of state.

That's "Convicted Felon Dinesh D'Souza." Never forget the title he so richly earned.

I would imagine a Hispanic person, regardless of how big a dick he is, would be less than pleased with Nazis.

But are we talking about the Dollar Tree tiki torches or are they the ones who splurge and go for the Party City version?

It's very similar to "Kiss Kiss Bang Bang." The plot is irrelevant; all I care about is the character interaction.

"When you made this porno…"

I hear he got maced and arrested today. A rare bright spot.

Indiana Jones punches Nazis! The Blues Brothers chased them off a bridge! Captain American takes them down! All our most beloved heroes get their stripes beating the shit out of them! And these losers want to emulate them?!

I can't believe he's only 31. He's nearly five years younger than I am and he looks decades older. Hate burns you out.

Plus it appears they all got their torches in bulk at the Dollar Tree.

As far as I'm concerned, now if anyone bitches about the removal of Confederate statues, they now can get tarred as Nazi sympathizes. Harsh but they deserve it.

You should really get him some drops for that eye redness.

"Only 76?" That's a pretty good run for a show "practically ignored."

Bannon is in a special class by himself. (Likely because few want to get near him due to the body odor.)

Convicted Felon Dinesh D'Souza is a bottom-feeding waste of humanity who doesn't count as an average Republican. Most Republicans appear embarrassed by him.

I'm more concerned for Berric and Thoros.

Bill Trump. And make sure the tangerine-hued fuck pays up front.