
He deserves one. He was funny, worked to better the lives of others and never once engaged in armed insurrection and treason.

Also this (and I'm likely getting the quote wrong):

They did, but unfortunately it looks like that "Chaos is a ladder" scene from the middle of the 3rd season is the last scene they'll be sharing together. Littlefinger doesn't have much time left.

The purpose is the final battle against the Night King. Everybody's getting into place for the gigantic all-out conflict for the final season.

Which is why he's dying in the season finale and that would serve a thematic purpose. Basically, Littlefinger's time is done. The petty scheming and fighting over the Iron Throne which he excels at mean nothing compared to the apocalyptic threat of the White Walkers. Nothing would symbolize that better than the man

Also, after this week, nobody with any sense of sanity is joining this administration. It's like asking to be transferred to the leper colony.

Not really. No one else but them seems to have any interest in it. McConnell and other key senators like Alexander are moving on. There's just too much essential things on the docket to get done (like making sure there's not a default or a shutdown) to waste time on something that's not going anywhere.

Aunt/nephew romances are the best.

Given Melisandre's comments earlier this season, Varys isn't making it to the end of the series, but he won't be dying this season. That at least gives him more of a life expectancy than his fellow schemer and old sparring partner, as Littlefinger has "I AM GOING TO DIE BY THAT DAGGER IN THE SEASON FINALE" all but

Tony Schwartz ("Art of the Deal" ghostwriter) is predicting he's gone by the end of the year. Predicts he'll resign under cover of saying it's a glorious victory or something like that to hide that he's a loser.

You mean Trump's future fourth wife? Melania's getting near her expiration date, so he's test-driving a new model.

To be fair, I'm hearing very little of that now. Most pundits I've heard or said have said "things don't change as long as Trump is still there."

I'd say basic incompetence is getting in the way of it as well and it's not just Trump. The current GOP is incapable of governing. The bulk of the current GOP House and Senate caucuses are folks who never served under a Republican president before and have zero experience in actually governing instead of just

If he goes after Ivanka and Jared, he IS going after Trump, since those two are attached to Trump like leeches (especially that queasy incestuous thing he has with Ivanka).

I would say that right now, making another doomed health care repeal attempt is the last thing on Republican minds as everything Trump related burns down in flames around them.

I don't remember him saying anything like that. All I remember is him talking about how he considered Dany the great new hope, which was more to do with her specifically and not just because of her last name.

They're now fleeing like cockroaches now that their faces have been exposed to light.

Even Nazis need love too!

The rumors are Bannon is on his way out, so this week should be very interesting. If he goes, he can take Gorka and that dead-eyed ghoul Miller with him.

He's bleeding support and he's pretty much pissed off the entire Republican Senate caucus by this point. His list of allies grows thin.