
I assume he's going to want four whole fried chickens and a Coke later.

Every time I hear the start of his shitty summertime song I have a fleeting moment of hope I'm getting Zevon and "Werewolves of London." And then it is quickly crushed. Fuck you, Kid Rock.

He needs to step it up and be a bear fucker. Trump really loves those. Look at Putin.

Roy Moore is the currently frontrunner in the GOP primary for the Senate seat in Alabama. Done!

Translation: "No one wants to run in a year that's shaping up to be poisonously bad for our side, so we might as well back this rich idiot's vanity run."

No, it came out in the winter of 2008. I remember mainly because Neeson lost his wife shortly after its release.

And then when he finds the guy:

"Taken" is essentially what "24" would be like if Neeson was cast instead of Kiefer. That and he's trying to rescue a kidnapped daughter named Kim.

I'd suggest watching it with the Rifftrax take on it; it's one of their best in my opinion.

Bardem is unnerving in the role just by sight alone. It's not just the bowl cut, he just sets you on edge once you see him. He doesn't seem human, just something inexpertly posing as human.

Um, if you're referring to Ty Burrell's character, he never does that. The nice gay guy does that. Burrell spends his time being a macho asshole and getting all the good lines in the movie.

That's one of the things I like about the sequel; it shows the Athenians as being far more crucial to the defeat of Persia than the Spartans were.

Especially when you hear about some of the other proposed adaptations over the years. At least he kept things pretty faithful to the source material, aside from the justifiable decision to get rid of the squid thing.

I don't know, but some things it's just wise to be grateful and not ask questions. Especially since Green is the ONLY reason to see the "Sin City" sequel.

I'd also add, the opening credit sequence is probably the best piece of directing Snyder has done in his entire career.

Faint praise, but certain casting choices save it from the scrap heap (I'm talking about Olyphant as the villain and Winstead as Lucy McClane).

None. They have better taste.

And then promptly dismantling and selling off the entire team before the spilled champagne got mopped up.

Please, if you all just go back to your drinking!

The original "Men In Black." Biggest movie of the summer, thought it predicted a great franchise.