
Frankly, I think the real Commodus would have taken dying in the arena over his actual demise (getting strangled in the bathtub).

You're not wrong. I like it just fine and I'm someone who has read the graphic novel. It's not perfect, but the stuff that works really works (especially Jackie Earl Haley and Jeffrey Dean Morgan).

Neeson is the only reason that movie works as well as it does. I don't know how, but that man just makes everything he's in instantly credible.

I never take this movie seriously, especially on a historical basis. The Persians didn't have proto-Orcs in their army, Xerxes wasn't a nine foot tall escapee from Studio 54 (if anything, in real life he looked more like Gerard Butler) and it wasn't a "fight for freedom and democracy" and all that (especially given

If it makes you feel any better, Randyll Tarly's supposed to get barbecued next episode.

"I have three dragons."

Yeah, he's Rhaegar's kid, so Dany's his aunt, though they're basically the same age.

Tyrion probably will insist she does. Either that or Bronn yanks him out, complete with a "So NOW do I get a castle?"

"On the other hand, he told me he has the Frey massacre on mental DVR."

Yeah, he was after Danny. He'd seen Drogon take a ton of arrows without a scratch, so he knew a simple lance wouldn't do anything. It was a suicide run to take out the queen.

"Actually, Tyrion told me to draw him."

It's a close one with Battle of the Bastards, but that one didn't have a dragon nuking people from the sky.

I doubt that was the only one, but probably the only one functioning so far. Doesn't matter; now Dany knows they have them and the element of surprise is gone. Now the dragons will basically burn the fuck out of them before they even manage to load them.

"So my sister is a master assassin, one of my brothers is an all-seeing psychic and my other brother is essentially Jesus. And I'm…good at feeding people to dogs, I guess."


So Sansa is Da Chief?

Nope. He's not dying until next season, if he does at all.

He's so dying in the season finale. After this episode, you might as well brand his forehead with "I WILL HAVE MY THROAT SLIT BY THAT DAGGER."

Nope, Jamie's not dead. He'll be yanked out of the water somehow.

Qyburn: "Your Grace, perhaps we should have ordered in bulk…"