
Same dragon. Drogon got a couple spears from the Sons of the Harpies. He was perfectly okay.

He doesn't want Jamie to die. Simple as that.

"Okay, there's an all-seeing psychic kid here who knows everything I did to fuck over his family. I can work with this."

Even without them, she still has the numbers by far. How many Dothraki does she have, 100,000?

She already knows. I don't think he needs to remind her when Littlefinger told her that he wanted her to be his queen.

Cersei is gonna have her killed before Ellaria's eyes. You know, "you stole my daughter from me, now I take yours from you" kinda deal.

And then Bran and Arya return to tag-team cockblock him.

Brienne's not leaving Sansa's side and frankly, if you want Littlefinger's paws off your sister, probably best to have the badass warrior on hand.

She's part of it, but the real "gift" is Ellaria and the surviving Sand Snake. Giving up Myrcella's killers to Cersei certainly goes a long way to proving loyalty.

Two out of three ain't bad.

Um, creeping on the little sister with typically get a nasty reaction from big brother.

It's just one fleet (Yara's contingent). Technically, Dany has several.

Oh one will likely die, but it won't be Qyburn who takes it down. Something far worse and far more chilly.

I can name one with confidence; Littlefinger bites it by the end.

Not to worry. Looks like Casterly Rock goes down next episode. And Dany hasn't even unleashed her dragons yet.

Not shocked to hear that about Smith. I understand he's a massive klutz who was prone to breaking stuff on the set.

All had three seasons, but thanks to the gaps between seasons their tenures were longer. Capaldi took nearly all of 2016 off save for the Christmas special, Smith's final season was stretched out over two years to account for the 50th and Tennant of course had the year of specials as a grand final tour. (Tennant's

She wouldn't be. She's got her very own David Tennant Doctor.

It is unfortunate that "Doctor Who" being a family show prevented his catchphrase from being "Fuckity-bye!"

Helping Filch find Ms. Norris.