
I remember a lot of critics' reactions to it was "workmanlike" or "competent" or basically, "Yeah, it's fine, but it's got no imagination or creativity compared to the first two." Which is pretty true, but after what came next, "competent" seems pretty good.

I don't see him as a savior either (nothing can save the samurai in the end), just someone who's seeking peace and redemption and finds it in the most unlikely place.

Two other problems:

You really missed out on some great Tarantino dialogue scenes and character acting, then. Not in the least the role of David Carradine's life.

No need to worry. His lawyer watched "Matlock" in a bar last night. The sound wasn't on, but he got the gist of it.

Near as I can figure, it's for two reasons:

And then of course Trump calls the AHCA "mean" and uncuts every vulnerable House Republican stupid enough to vote for it.

Will the CW be kind enough to show Mary's execution in all it's ugly real world infamy? (Seriously, it was a botched mess, complete with missed swings, crazy priests and little dogs biting said priest.)

Take a look at the lawyers he's brought on his team. It's an all-star lineup of heavy legal hitters skilled at criminal investigation.

I honestly do not know. I just call him "that poor bastard."

I have severe doubts they can get it in before the 4th, but it never hurts to be on guard about it.

Not to mention it seems like every day some new bomb drops.

Boy, 2003 was arguably the best year of Johnny Depp's career.

"I don't trust this Mueller guy anymore than I can throw him."

He's the whiniest snowflake of them all. No one is whinier. He has the most beautiful whine ever.

Well, "The Mummy's" not quite like that, but close enough. (I only want that movie to do well because I don't want the so-called "Dark Universe" strangled in its cradle, at least not before seeing what Bill Condon can do with "Bride of Frankenstein. I mean, it took the DCEU four films to get something like "Wonder

Also was on some weird Australian mermaid show with that other VD/Originals actress.

"Did anyone notice? I just teleported!"

I'd say the only reason she's still there at all is because the other options are arguably worse. The Tories are really up Shit Creek right now.

Desperate times. Even with them, they've got a bare majority. It won't last long.