
"No, Crow will keep his clothes on, thank you!"

"Squeak! Squeak!"

Saw "The Mummy" last night and the overall impression was, "Meh." This wasn't the trainwreck some reviews were making it out to be (really, not even close), but no one could argue it was "good." A few good elements, yes (namely Russell Crowe, hamming it up and enjoying it), but yeah, the so-called "Dark Universe"

"It was just a dog" is not quite on the level of "It was just your kid" on the level of callousness, but pretty damn close. Dogs ARE basically your children.

I heard a quote earlier that they're in "regicide mode" after tonight.

Tory politicians should probably cancel all trips to Vegas from here on out.

I have this image of Trump's entire legal team grappling with him as he lunges for his phone.

Stupid presidents need the most love!

Is he going to beg for mercy?

Good news is that Dodd-Frank Act repeal dies in the Senate. It does make for another nice vote to wrap around the necks of vulnerable House Reps.

I don't think a person with all his facilities in working order would reason, "Well, there's a high stakes hearing tomorrow! What a perfect night to stay up late and watch a game!"

That too. If they don't get the rich guys their money, the rich guys won't hire them after they get tossed out of their seats next year.

You know it was a bad day for the GOP when their best line of defense for Trump was, "He's an idiot, he doesn't know any better."

It does seem bizarre that the GOP is hellbent on passing a massively unpopular bill that will probably help kill them in midterms (it certainly isn't helping their chances in the upcoming GA-06 special), but I look at it like this; their legislative agenda has ground to a halt and Trump is drowning in scandal. They

Now now, it had plenty of interesting twists. Especially the final revelation that John McCain may be suffering from dementia.

I know he's been compared to Bernie Sanders, but he proved himself far more effective a campaigner and strategist than Sanders has ever been.

The only way May might hang on is if the alternatives are too much for her fellow Tories. But she's worthless even if she stays. It'd be the political version of death row, just waiting for the execution.

They're already preparing the slingshot.

Stop hitting people!

The only way she could hang on is because the alternatives in her party are weak. I mean, Boris Johnson is high on the list.