
She should have known any woman who gets in proximity to Trump is going to regret it.

The funny thing is, Spielberg (as well as Dreyfuss) considered doing "Jaws 2" before choosing to do "Close Encounters" instead.

Cooper and Cox get some really good scenes together:

After I found out M. Night based that movie on that episode of "Are You Afraid of the Dark?" I was all, "Damn it, I knew I should have figured out that twist!"

Real Method acting there.

That's one of those movies that I can't believe actually got made by a major studio with a budget. It sounds like some crappy SyFy Channel movie or Asylum flick. Instead, we get two Oscar winners axing dragons.

My favorite review of that: "It sounds like a skin disorder."

I like Wahlberg the best. That's still the best work he's ever done. He gets some of the best profanity laden dialogue ever.

Actually, it is surprising that "Sum" didn't get any sequels, as it did well at the box office and is a pretty solid action flick. I have to wonder if it was because it had the misfortune to come out right before Affleck had his career nosedive and therefore the studio didn't want any more Ryan outings with him

No, not Ripley. It was more "All the Pretty Horses" and "The Legend of Bagger Vance."

Yeah, he's one of Cooper's tech guys. His one big scene is when he explains Franka Potente's character's background. This was before "The Shield."

I really wish they'd gone with the original plan to have it be "Jaws 3: People 0" and directed by Joe Dante.

Perkins' smile at the end is still chilling as all hell.

Speaking as someone who did see "The Sixth Sense" when it first came out, it truly was something amazing. I was not only terrified for one of the few times in my life watching a horror movie, but the ending truly caught me by surprise. It was good to watch M. Night before he became a farce.

"Jaws 2" is okay. Nowhere near in the original's league, but not close to the shitfests that "3" and "4" are. Having Roy Schieder around helps a lot.

I can't imagine what a mindfuck the original "Twilight Zone" must have been like to viewers who first saw it when it debuted in 1959.

Not to mention a lot of choice actors in small roles, frequently before they hit it big. For examples, "Identity" had Walt Goggins and "Supremacy" had Michelle Monaghan, both as nameless CIA techs. And of course, Clive Owen as the Professor in "Identity," largely a silent killer until that haunting final scene:

Looking back, it's kind of surprising to remember that when the first "Bourne" came out, it was expected to flop. Troubled shoot, a star who wasn't doing too well at the time (Damon had suffered a couple of high profile flops recently), not much of a marketing push…and yet it caught a nerve and outperformed Ben

I assume nothing. Special elections are unpredictable enough without something like this scrambling things at the last second.

This was because he was asked a question about the CBO score. Basically every Republican in Congress who was available was asked about that today and I'm fairly certain none of them body slammed anyone.