
That it's even close is causing Republicans to panic.

Looks like a lot of those plot details that got leaked a while back are confirmed by this:

Also rumored the Tarlys defect to Cersei's side after she promises to make them the ruling house of the Reach with the Tyrells largely wiped out.

Not Dany's fleet (I think that's at Dragonstone), but probably Greyjoy vs. Greyjoy, or perhaps Euron's fleet vs. combined Yara/Dornish fleet, given we've got Yara and Ellaria making out and Theon in the midst of carnage.

It's Dragonstone. It's her ancestral home, it's the ideal place to use as a base to assault the mainland and it's basically for the taking since Stannis is dead.

No. On the show, Loras is the only son Mace has. It's implied there are other Tyrells in the form of cousins and whatnot, but Olenna is the last of the main line after Cersei nuked everything.

Greyjoys. Iron Islands are the west of the Westerlands. Basically it's this:

About the only thing in this trailer that wasn't in those spoilers is the Unsullied assaulting and taking what looks like Casterly Rock.

Design major. Oh sorry, I presume you were watching children's programming.

I would assume they're not going to dress her in a tube top.

Isn't that ironic?

I remember Kevin Murphy in his "Year at the Movies" book in one of the most entertaining chapters concerning his and Mike Nelson braving "Corky Romano" and his dismay at seeing Peter Falk in it, saying Falk was in serious danger of doing it, dying and then his obit being forced to list that "Corky Romano" was his last

In his words, "I'm a big toy who's mean to a lot of smaller toys."

I'd say Peter Sellers with "The Fiendish Plot of Dr. Fu Manchu."

I still love John Oliver's reaction to them making it an ongoing series:

The latter casting choice I especially approve of. He's perfect for Flagg (who I wonder if they're ever going to refer to as Flagg, or if there's some rights issues there and they'll just refer to him as Walter O'Dim or whatnot).

Shining - Great movie, terrible adaptation.

Uh, "Creepshow" is terrific. But the others are mediocre for the most part and "Children of the Corn" is horrendous (although entertaining in a so bad it's good kind of way).

I guess Brian Henson wants his own version of "Meet the Feebles."

I thought that was the little prince in the tower who was ignored, not either of the Patrick Bateman cosplayers. Probably Melania keeps him away from Daddy.