
It may look horrible, but since it's directed by Tarsem it will at least be visually interesting.

What did you mean by there only being 6 adult cast members?

Was girl from American Beauty under 18 during filming?

I'm 18 and tempted to say it. Three years difference is ok according to Kinsey, right?

1) Sissy Spacek was in her mid 20s when Carrie came out
2) Since she was over 18, they were allowed to show her nude
3) Didn't they already remake Carrie?

And…. the new Mission of Burma album is out July 9.

Starring Ryan Gosling and James Francno with a homoerotic twist

Forget Tina Turner and Liza Manelli, Shirley's all the rage with the drag queens now.

Forget Tina Turner and Liza Manelli, Shirley's all the rage with the drag queens now.

I'm hoping Radiohead will do something awesome with this like the FOOS did, but considering Thom Yorke is such a serious individual it's probably not going to happen.

I know. The word mediocre and the WBC don't blend. Focus on the Family and the 700 Club are mediocre hate groups; The WBC are The Beatles of hate groups.

If Radiohead are a bunch of monkeys with mediocre tunes, then this Monkey's Gone to Heaven.

Synonym for AV Club music for AV Club type people.

AV Club seriously wasted a full review on this shit but couldn't find time to review the new Andrewc Bird LP. That is infuriating.

The Reese's For Breakfast and Oreo's commercials brought me back to the days of watching Doug and Rugrats.

Greg Louganis single handedly raised it from an F to a C.

Tiepo, no Tyepo?

I really hope this Wolf Gang shit is a flash in the pan. Well, expect Frank Ocean he actually has talent.

From Tim Burton, director of ALICE IN WONDERLAND? They got to be fucking kidding.

Especially since his mom's only like 12 years older than hum.