
I found the Horton Hears A Who! adaptation to be quite charming.
Hopefully I'll agree to disagree with Tasha on this one.

Atticus Finch: A real human being and a real hero.

You know what doesn't make any fucking sense? The fact that Community is getting 3.5 million viewers in its third season and they cancel it, but Whitney's in its first season and is only getting 3.8 million. I'm pretty sure much less people would care if Whitney got canceled.

Dude, I'm 17. So I guess I'm a slightly transcurious 17 year old.

I know that jokes of Bieber being a girl, gay, a tranny or feminine are about as juvenile as it gets, but that picture looks like a  JC Penny's add for a women's christmas sweater. It's probably a combination of the pink sweater, lipstick, and the scarf. If I didn't know any better, I wouldn't have hesitated to say

Did anybody notice how monumentally horrible the best male artist nominees are?
You know you have a problem when Bieber's far and away the best of the five nominees.
On the flip side, all the best female artists except Katy Perry are actually decent.

Does anyone else have a soft spot for the Smallville theme?
Somebodyyy saaaaaaaaaave meeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Breaking news: Amy Lee committed suicide by slitting her wrist in Hot Topic after reading Hyden's review.

Please tell me you're being sarcastic. On what planet are The Killers in any way, shape or form more relevant than Coldplay?

Someone needs therapy.