
“If it’s not real, then what have I done?"

"Guns jam and malfunction sometimes, and I don’t buy that Astrid would have no way to improvise better than that." - I could not agree more.

Thank you, A.V. Club.

This film makes my skin crawl upon each and every viewing.

I guess they thought he's probably sick of talking about Exorcist III. A shame. I can't get enough of that.

Whoa, that is a rare, awful picture of Gillian Anderson.



This LITERALLY could be a scene left on the cutting room floor during the filming of 'Idiocracy'.

I literally can't remember how many times I saw this in the theater.

'Bad Influence' is SUCH a great, underrated classic. And, to me, still Rob Lowe's greatest performance (and one of James Spader's best as well).

No. No he is not.

No chance. He is way too 'distraught' to do so.

"…and Arrested Development season five is still an enigma wrapped in a banana dipped in chocolate."

I have that problem with the one on the right. Although maybe a bit more past 18…

From 'Putting The ‘Gay’ Back In Litigation':

Yes! GREAT piece.

The 'Angel' on the left is pretty cute.

And thanks, A.V. Club, for continuing these reviews.

You beat me to it, damn you. :)