
"One of the great pleasures of Vice Principals’ first season has
been watching Kimberly Hebert Gregory become if not the star of the
show, then the comedic equal of McBride and Goggins."

Wow… the very end of the final episode?…

Ah, Joe Dante.

They probably switched to devoting all of their time to reviews of Battlestar Galactica.

"Is that gasoline I smell?"

Know him from SO many things, but one of my all-time favorites will always be Phil Bartoli from CRIME STORY.


I could not agree with her more. I simply could not.

Simply one of the most beautiful women on the planet.

I'm sorry, call me whatever, but Gamby crashing into the light pole (which slams down on 2 other cars in the lot) and ESPECIALLY Russell knocking down that clown automatically moves this rating way above a C+ for me.

"Oooooh, that's gotta hurt!!!"

No questions about 'Identity'???

"A SPOON??? You gonna fuckin' throw a spoon at me."

"The fact that Naz’s actual guilt or innocence is pretty much irrelevant
to that point underlines just why “An Ordinary Death” is such a powerful

I could not agree more. I've listened to 'Amateur Hour' countless times, as well as playing it (countless times) for numerous friends. Fantastic stuff.

There are dozens of them.

I'm starting to think a better title for this series would be 'Reasonable Doubt'.

Great article.

I wanna meet the person who decided we needed to see the close-up of that black penis so many times.

"For others though, myself included, Vice Principals is barely balancing all of its perspectives, cruel and otherwise."