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    I dunno, I think that shot of Chang is the most genial flip-off I've ever seen.

    I thought you were composing electronic music.

    I've seen this film!
    In my film documentary class in college. It's about the struggles of being gay and black and it's called Tongues Untied. And this isn't a particularly weird excerpt - the whole film is like this.

    is irresistible to Glenn Beck? Who knew?

    Dollhouse = gone

    I anxiously await your decision.

    Ugh, I hated House of Wax. I thought Hills Have Eyes was pretty good, though, rape and all. It was genuinely unsettling without being boringly so. Hills Have Eyes 2, though… what a shitpile (plus rape).

    Aw, ma…
    I love the exposition in the first clip. "You let him drown. He was my son."
    They could only spare Kira a couple of lines and they made them count.

    From now on no one gets to make a point unless they demonstrate it with awkward scriptwriting. Take it away, Tom Waits the Snowman…

    This might be the nerdiest AVQ&A yet.

    You guys are just jealous that you don't have lap dance bracelets that make everyone give you lap dances.

    Yeah, the Prince comparison is pretty apt. Sting's solo career can't hold a candle to the Police, but he did some interesting, ballsy stuff. Maybe it didn't seem ballsy to him because he has a giant ego and thinks he's amazing no matter what, but I respect him either way.

    I' usually find Klosterman too pleased with himself to enjoy but I actually thought this was pretty funny.

    Out of Control
    by Oingo Boingo definitely belongs on this list.

    I'll step back from this ledge if you can just give me something to get through this semi-charmed kind of life, baby! Baby!

    Inventory-in-progress: give me one good reason not to do it.

    Yeah, I can't believe you idiots didn't get that. Why don't you just go kill yourselves?

    Well I liked it