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    I love Patton's lyrics. Y'all are quoting from pre-1992. I think most of the Tomahawk stuff is unimpeachable (though I'm not sure how much Denison is responsible). And yeah, Land of Sunshine and Be Aggressive are by Roddy Bottum.

    this list
    makes me really angry

    I guess
    I'll go buy Bloody Kisses now.

    Excitable Boy is where I started and I think it's the best jumping off point. A classic from back to front.

    I think Violet Crumbles is right. There's so many colorful things happening so fast. Even the crazy original ending is kind of awesome. It held my attention as a kid, for sure.

    They're both a blast. Planet Terror was more fun because I've wasted more of my life watching that particular kind of trashy movie than the kind Death Proof was paying homage to, but I loved them both as a unit. I think it's a sham they're not sold together on DVD.

    To be fair, Cavemen was a roaring success.

    Found it. Episode watched, waterworks engaged. What a show!

    I thought he killed it. Last challenge and this one he was the best. If only he had a personality…

    Where can I watch this?
    Anyone know of a torrent? I can't find this episode through my regular channels.


    I'm with you, guy. I loved 5:55 and I've been disappointed w/ Beck's output over the last decade so I'm wary of this.

    Oh Shootenanny's a great toss-off, though. I think it was just a come-down in the middle of the Blinking Lights sessions, but on a smaller scale the Shootenanny songs really make it.
    Souljacker's really underrated, too. The playful experimentation of that record is what was missing from Hombre Lobo, IMO.

    Uh oh
    I didn't believe y'all when you gave Hombre Lobo a mean grade last year, but that album did turn out to be C-grade. Now I believe you about this record but I don't want to.

    You fool! You brought this on all of us!


    Cameron Diaz
    was very bad in the Box.

    I'm with Snugglesaurus all the way, but what I'm really glad that EJ keeps pointing out is how broad, simplistic arguments ultimately do nothing but hurt their cause. They only repulse the vast, skeptical middle-ground that they desperately need to win over.

    But the cover looks so promising.

    Plus it wasn't the McCoys offering condolences, but the boosters as a whole. You would think that they could have sent someone else over.