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    I like how you think Gravidtron.

    If Anthony Hopkins could be cast as a black man in The Human Stain he can play a Latino guy's father… right?

    Get me a jury and show me how you can say "in July" and I'll go down on you.

    This is my favorite Inventory in a while. Confounding follow-ups to popular successes are one of my favorite pop culture phenomena. Many great pieces of art have been made when the artist finds they have the freedom to do whatever they want and are feeling contrary.

    ok Murray
    You got me to go to the dictionary. Then you got me to google it. Now why don't you just tell me:
    ecdysiastologists = what?

    love this movie. and I eagerly await the remake.

    I will buy your book.
    No… I will not be seeing you on tour. Next time visit the Pacific Northwest.

    This silly comment made me laugh out loud.

    I'd stick his tongue out!

    Area "cremators'" attempts are "fatal."

    no copy editor, but don't you mean "sacrifice depth for breadth?"

    Yes! The Paper is back?!

    This condescending news article makes me very angry.

    I also thought the last name was the funniest part of this piece of news.

    Yeah yeah yeah!

    I fucking love 8 Heads in a Duffel Bag too.

    It's a little too literal for a Kafka adaptation (I think), but Orson Welles' direction is always worth seeing. Plus, Perkins is really good in it.

    I read Playboy magazine
    I must be hip, too!

    I'm with Miller. Monkeybone's no classic, but it is a secret success. If there was ever a movie that failed ambitiously that deserves a second look this side of Southland Tales, it's that.

    anyone else feel like this episode was weirdly uneven? It was full of funny bits, but it all came together really strangely. The Pam and Jim plot, the Pam, Jim and Andy plot, the roast plot and the fire plot felt kind of mushed together to me.
    Also, what is Dwight/Angela/Andy just over for good? No hurt feelings?