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    thank you
    for mentioning these terrible commercials. The thought that these actually appeal to people makes me uncomfortable.

    I haven't seen the movie either. It was recommended pretty highly by a couple of friends, but not on the level of the show. Are they even connected or was the show more inspired by the concept of the movie?? I could probably check out wikipedia and figure it out, but I like to hear directly from fans.

    This is a really good follow-up to last weeks AVQ&A. Better vibes, maaan.

    Tell me true
    Is Friday Night Lights as good as I've heard? Should I watch it?

    I for one am excited. I like my vampires abstinent and my pop-stars manufactured.

    I'll say this, though: I think it's awesome that NPR lets Ira do his own stuff and they didn't stick someone in with a generic "radio voice." I know a lot of people, as evidenced above, love his voice because it's so unique and he sounds like a real person not just an announcer. It always gets under my skin a little,

    Maybe this is really shallow, but is the voice almost a deal-breaker for anyone else? On radio and tv TAL is consistently great in pretty much every way, but every time I hear Ira's voice I cringe a little.

    Yeah, I guess that's the rub - these movies all shift gears unexpectedly.

    I liked the last thirty minutes of Adoptation, where you find out that Meryl Streep is Nicholas Cage's real mother.

    I was trying to start a smart discussion and then it posted twice. Now it's ruined.

    Also, just for the sake of discussion, where does a film like "I'm Not There" fall? Are we defining a gearshift movie as a movie with one singular twist or event that marks a shocking change of tone?

    This is one of those inventories that I have to skip over half of in order not to ruin the movies being discussed. But the half I read was good.

    Dear Donna Bowman
    I also love David Copperfield and am working through the MLA list. Let's go on a date.

    anomolos, I disagree with you 100%. And now the internet knows.

    Southland Tales blew my mind with its awesome badness. I'm hoping this movie will do the same.

    I thought the world forgot Shasta McNasty…
    After growing up without cable and watching whatever was on tv, I know I haven't.