
It is a good cast, I'll agree with ya on that one.

Just doing my small part to get to 10,000. We are the 99% et cetera …

I kame for the "F" and stayed for the review. Wow, does this sound awful.

Absolutely do so. It's a fine move in its own right and, I suppose, would be an order of magnitude better if you have any familiarity with le Carre. (I don't)

I can't comment on A Dangerous Method but I think TTSS's been left out because … I hate to say it, it's just not that great a movie.

This will likely sound harsher than I intend it but, seriously, how the hell is Paul underrated? It was terrible.

While there's no chance I'll watch BKO, I did want to commend you for your awesome, ridiculous list of best-of movies. It's the kind of thing only a true filmlover could produce.

My list, so far as it goes:

Though I understood your shift to the Miranda July film (and I totally disagree with you; then again, my wife & I still quote the "… you poop in my poop …" line from You & Me & Everyone We Know so … we're suspect), I wish Rich Tanguy was right. Hil-aaaaahrious … urrrm.

Who let the Dawes out? Who? Who? Who who?

I think it's media. Almost a good joke.

I can't believe the preview managed to lower my expectations.


2 more films needed for these titles to work:

Frodo, the Disqus notifications I see appear to provide your real name. Check your settings.

Everybody did say that and I was never so happy to be so wrong. I'm making no claims this go 'round and will just hope Linklater can add to one of the greatest film romances, ever.

He still is. This Snowman's a cocaine fiend.

It reads a little gimmicky and, based on previous comments, Popular Mobilization for the Liberation of Andoria has a bit of a gimmick thing going. But either it's half-hearted or the avatar's being used to compensate for the user's discomfort with their beliefs. Based on an incomplete reading of his/her previous

What are you talking about?

Sweet. I love synchronicity.