

Nope, kids are back on the hooch these days.

Marah - Holy straw man, Batman! I haven't seen this much false sense of persecution since last year's KKK rally in Osh Kosh.

Clearly, TheBanisterSlide's message makes perfect sense when you someone eat it.

I have no idea if it would work but Michael Shannon's got just the right kind of crazy eyes for the Walken role.

Does the world really need a Wagner apologist? I vote no.

Wait … who's trolling whom here? Because there's no way either of you are seri— … Oh.

Goddamn, how much would I pay for Gaspar Noe's version of events right now? Let me tell you: 8 bucks. That's how much.

That's actually a really cool "cool story bro" story bro.

Wait … what gimmick?

"Pattinson should destroy his head with a chainsaw."

So, Alison … where'd you have to stash Genevieve Koski's lifeless body? Because there's no way you were allowed to write this review without getting all stabby on her.

Shape, smell or texture?

"After I finished writing this movie, I sat back and re-read it."

While that would undoubtedly suck, it wouldn't bother me nearly as much as knowing she would scream "My dad's Al Pacino! Let me GO!" to the transit po-po who caught her. Regularly. Because she's about as subtle as the Space Shuttle.

I felt bad for Tewz until I remembered that, yeah, he sucks.

"… it's just easy listening acoustic pop for grandmas with too many porcelain cats." That about sums it up.

Thanks for the link. Just excellent.

Christ, that's a great callback.

You're either disingenuous or trolling, Phony Pope. Yawndoggie used the McDonald's lawsuit as an example of something specifically frivolous. Blarghgh called him/her out on it and is exactly right.