
Not to point out the obvious but in 1600 adult men were inclined to bone 13 year olds. This is a bad thing.

Having learned only today, waiting for a Starbucks coffee, the name Michael Buble, can anyone here confirm that his music sounds exactly like I'd expect?

Why? He's clearly a bespectacled former gov't employee caucasian mother of 5 (or … 6?), right? Right?

I'll only appreciate this gimmick if it heralds the return of Tomax and Xamot.

I don't want to sound too much like some old fart but how the fuck is this dude the current face of "hardened, no-nonsense" rap? He looks like the hip hop posers I grew up with in that bastion of black culture: white suburban America.

Cool. Don't agree but appreciate your breakdown.

We agree to disagree, then. The producers failure to mention Young's "secret messages" on his Prop 8 piece leaves the viewer with nothing but the pastel surface. That's a omission that significantly (and negatively) affects how I (can) interpret the piece.

I liked your comment solely for its willingness to be stupid.

Ron Paul's policy ideas provoke debate only because most people — himself included, I sometimes suspect — never previously proposed them with a veneer of lucidity.

That's pretty close to the exact opposite of Jesus's tenets so, you get points for effort.

Imposter! Everyone knows EVE is his twin sister! To the docks with you, harlot!

I knocked him in previous comments but, like most of the artists, he seems like a cool dude. (except Tewz. He sucks.) He handled both the elimination fake-out and exit interview well. Also, seemed as though the rest of the artists really liked him but that's probably because he's black.

Not without significant odds, at least 10:1. She's my shoo-in, too.

Need to ask? Well, then you know your answer.

explodingbarrel, von Trier probably couldn't have summarized the movie better. Knowing that, what left you cold? Were you expecting more sci-fi?

Thanks for chiming in, Young.

How any Frank line could ever meet or exceed "This guy … This is not my kinda guy"?

Let's be honest here, if Al Pacino was ploughing my mom … well, that would really weird, given as how she's been dead & buried for 14 years. Can't remember that 3rd thing … I can't. Oops.

I largely agree with your statements and would like to subscribe to your newsletter.