
I haven't laughed so hard in fucking days.
Just did not see that comment coming.

I haven't laughed so hard in fucking days.
Just did not see that comment coming.

I can't say it's getting any better (I haven't seen any but this one) but, holy christ, if last night's ep warrants a B+, I don't want to imagine how terrible it used to be.
The writing is … really, really bad.
The acting is … really, really worse. Moon Bloodgood's put down (noted in Stray Observations) was cringingly

I can't say it's getting any better (I haven't seen any but this one) but, holy christ, if last night's ep warrants a B+, I don't want to imagine how terrible it used to be.
The writing is … really, really bad.
The acting is … really, really worse. Moon Bloodgood's put down (noted in Stray Observations) was cringingly

Gotta join the love for Life Aquatic. Anderson's best-ended movie and, even granting flaws not evident in his other works,

Gotta join the love for Life Aquatic. Anderson's best-ended movie and, even granting flaws not evident in his other works,

I didn't know "cheekbones" as a euphemism for butt cheeks or nips.

Seriously, why is that the detail I zero'd on?

I'm a big AD fan but I can't really knock your Bateman critique. He's been OK in a few movies but, man, his agent must suck.

To be the worst is to be, I suppose, the best, after a fashion.

Don't worry. Still very much on schedule.

FLAGGED, muthafuckah!

Don't worry. Still very much on schedule.

Agreed. Avoid grabbing at the cheap gags.


Dammit, today was the over/under for 10,000. Still 450 short. Very disappointing … .

No-no, there's always only 1 reason anything ever really happens. Ron Paul taught me this. Nuance, shmuance.

I think this is the best place to share. For me, the most awful, horrifying moment in this scene is when George is upstairs, caring for Zuzu. The flower's in the glass and he takes this enourmous hand and covers one of Zuzu's eyes; the other, unblinking, stares up and left, towards the flower.

Finally, a reasonable discussion on these boards. A first!