
I loved the end-of-episode shift from "cancer mom" to "Young family Korean vacation!!!" Funniest moment of the night.

Yeah, I understand the frustration but, with "Weiwei" and, especially, "Prop 8," Young competently executed his ideas. I can't, however, defend his ideas or, really, his ideas on the ideas (right? right?!) beyond suggesting that Art Critics + Topicality + Competent Execution = boku Fiat bucks.

So long, Bayete. Too bad we won't be allowed to see more stop-motion videos of him swimming in a lake or some shit.

I have no doubt that the show's producer's thought the same thing during filming. The Sucklord's story arc has yet to reach redemption (where he finally creates "good art" and wins a challenge) before suffering ignominious defeat (the judges damn him for a general lack of talent).

Great goddamn point, Juan_Carlo. I'm a hearty von Trier defender but I've never had to try when it comes to his film endings. His punctuation is flawless and, I daresay, peerless.

Disagree when it's executed well, as it was this time.

Could be but I only remember the "can't swim" thing as cringe-worthy. And, as Judge Reinhold noted, the producers likely exercised quite a bit of editorial control, even back when reality shows were more "innocent," over how we perceived each character/contestant.

Please provide a single (or, even better, 2 or 3) peer-reviewed study that supports a single word of your comment, especially that whopper of a conclusion.

I don't like you now, Adam B.

Like, all fuzzy? No fucking way. Just … no. No fucking way.

Where I live, the "Otherwise-Athletic-Black-Guy-Who-Can't-Swim" is such a well-known racial stereotype that, first time I saw this, I was convinced he was cast either entirely because of this trait or the producers were enormous racist asshats. In hindsidght, it was clearly neither as I learned just how provincial

You mean, a soft-boiled egg?

Really, I can't wait for the next episode. The Dawes challenge is amazing and revelatory.

Pink Donut Eater, you've got to go back to '92, not '04, to understand what next year's election will be like. Obama's win is so certain only because the only electable Republican will drive a radical right-wing 3rd party candidate. That splits the right wing vote and ensures Obama's 2nd term. The other 2 options

That game sucked. And I remember it costing something like 2 bucks a play which, in the early 90s, blew my adolescent mind.

"… come 'bout June" made me laugh so hard I woke up my wife. She was not satisfied with the explanation.

Kristen Schaal's why I tuned in at all but, man, when Boss Hog shot through the top of the TV, David Lynch - who in reality is a one inch tall earwig living in my head - looked me in the eye and nodded, slowly, in approval.

There is actually a point to it, misspellings and all. But really, you're probably well-served just thinking there's something wrong — horribly, horribly wrong — with me. For now, though, I'm married to the idea.

Without having to ask, I know this fact has improved his estimation in your eyes. The Sucklord is a wolf among sheep.

I know exactly what you when you someone eat it.