
haha well thanks for the edit - now I look like repeato-boy

les cousins dangereux

Yep. You are correct. Damn. Less of a ring to it.

I think Wells set him free as part of a plan - will probably free Wells later or something.

And I bet Barry goes back with intent to save his mother but decides against it at the last second - or is directly responsible for her death - so as not to cause some huge time change ramifications.

Super Amell Bros!!

The wookiee trap!
Made me slightly hate Henry less. Slightly.

And thank you Carrie for coming back for one final Revenge recap!!! Missed reading about this crazy show.

It was ambiguous sort of. Jack was telling her she was crazy - but in her heart of hearts she knows the truth.

Well played sir.

Because it had nothing to do with the show. The show didn't state that we had to celebrate the date because it matched the numbers in American notation, or at all. The reviewer suggested we do that.

I gave this show and Jim Gordon too much credit. Because I was convinced that Barbara had been notified by Jim to look out for a creeper trying to seduce her and she'd give him a call at the banquet.

It's also that on my computer screen. I'm in Canada and we tend to put our dates as day/month/year.

Except it's not. Try August 4th. Who goes Month, day, year? that ain't right.

How does a Canadian in Canada watch this Community people are talking about?

This episode doesn't appear in the list - you have to search for it manually - can this be fixed AVClub?


She's been dead for 30 years!

I was listening to both TAL and Invisibilia at the same time and may have mis-remembered which was which. But yes, it does feel more like Invisibilia.

Invisiblia Podcast did it!