
i'd like to get down now…

That is the only thing I see. It is maddening. There are two very vocal camps about white and gold or blue and black….. but I see neither. I can't understand how anyone can be seeing either of those options, but I definitely can't understand why those seem to be the only options!?

Now. Do we suspect there may be some kind of connection between Frank and Lila's killer?

Everyone in the video is so….. red.

Troll alert here. Don't feed it.

thanks Anthony Crispino

just the PITS

what a depressing series finale.


I had a computer program in like 1995 that could do this with a picture you use. So congrats internet, you're only 19 years late to the party. And oh it's a party. Don't get me wrong.

Best. Crossover. Ever.

Rooney tries to do his job.

Alternate, better, reply!

I'm terribly sorry, sir, but I'm afraid our facilities are not equipped to meet your needs.

He and one of the dinosaurs were in the closet making dino babies and I saw one of the dino babies and the dino baby looked at me.

I wasn't against it… I was just asking.

Why is he teaming up with raptors? Why are they trained? What is going on!?

I was sure Darryl got infected by grazing his hand on that walker's teeth. Was sure Maggie was gonna get bitten by turned-Eugene. But nope.

New Girl is on a roll.

This didn't even feel like a "bottle" episode to me. But I'm rewatching New Girl right now, and it never does. It was just a really good episode. Plus, Coach did leave the loft to inadvertently creep on "street youths" so there you go.