
Also I need some clones pretending to be other clones immediately.

I should really rewatch last season. No idea what's going on.


I have been convinced the first lady is a bad guy for a very long time - especially after some random comment that she had a Russian mother (which of course should be completely innocent but seemed unnecessary).

The weird mirror universe where the FBI and White House are working together to hide information from the public and media for legitimately good reasons…

I think Jessie did the "quick" switch of Iris with HR-Iris while Savitar was distracted by bazooka.

Pretty sure they swapped out Iris for someone, probably HR, using that tech that Barry used in ARGUS. Probably swapped her when Savitar was jumping around avoiding the bazooka.

Thanks. I also have to just learn the fuggin' controls. This is not the one-button does everything Zelda of the past. I think I need to go redo that early shrine that is a combat tutorial to get the parrying and such down.

I feel like Michael Cera in Superbad when he keeps dying in his video game "..that's fun. Why do they make that if you can't even win… then why am I fuckin'… playing?"

This game is so tough! I suck at the combat! Help!

That the President-Elect tweeted about this before I could comment…

I started thanking everyone but was sure I'd miss someone important so I went really leaders of shows only. Even ignoring any Legends.

Well thank you Kara, Barry, and Oliver for showing some light still exists in 2016. Awesome start to crossover!

Music from the 80's was "inspired by" a TV show from 2016? Huh.

I'm calling it - brunette/redhead(?) with obscured face getting Leekie's autograph and then sitting in the audience for his talk - Delphine.

Haha I'm sorry?

Okay. Absolutely late buried theory:

And Bean is pronounced like "bean"… and "mean"… hence the rhyming.

It's kinda like a fifth sense.

So I saw that this dick plague had a hefty number of comments and likes - and decided to see what the comments were before the spammer took hold - and Disqus encountered some error.