Juan Powers

Aaron’s gay, and we meet his boyfriend Eric (can’t tell if they’re
married or not) later in the episode. I can’t remember if this is the
first openly gay character we’ve seen on the show,…

I prefer cases where its about the "who" instead of the "why". Sometimes, I just don't care why the person did it, especially if its a bullshit reason, which would be the case for more than half the murders that happen in the world.

Yes. He is an ALLEGED rapist but you obviously think he's guilty. OJ was found not guilty for double murder so please move on.

Don't forget possible lesbianism in a Russian prison with Nina and that other chick… or is that just me?

I can't believe I've been watching her on tv for over 10 years.

First episode in weeks, that I watched without being distracted by something. I swore Andre was gonna hit his wife. That probably would not have been a good idea character wise.

I was yelling "DNA test" every time I saw that baby.

"Um… are we still going to the movies?"
"Only if there is something with Denzel. Movie theaters are a hot bed for disease. Nightly news."
"Crimson Tide is playing"
"Start the car"

That woman is insane. Oh and what about when she chased her other son in the living room after he took the large bunny from her? She is carrying this show by herself. Louis just plays off of her and isn't that entertaining away from her as of yet.

Of course Jake has a thing for Latinas. Most Jewish men do.

ABC should bring back TGIF with all of its family sitcoms on Friday. Black-Ish, Modern Family, The Middle, The Goldbers and FotB. I know its 5 shows so one of them may not make the cut unless they want it to run into 10:30pm.

And psssst. If you're biggest concern in life is catcalling and having to turn down sex a lot, you're the privileged class.

In fairness that's oppression by race more than gender. Black women I
think are less stereotyped as "scary" but I think are still more harshly
sentenced or treated by cops than white women.

Well, I do believe if men's right is nothing then so is women's rights. Equality right?

No. He drunk hers by accident and then they switched.

Maybe its just me, but I have a hard time keeping focus on this show. It's decent and at times better than decent but I find myself easily distracted. Maybe if I watched it live on television instead of downloading it and watching it on a PC, where I can minimize the screen and go on the internet, whenever I get

When she got hit a second time, I just threw my hands up in disgust.

even the dudes? ewwwww

I knew when they made him a dad, they were gonna have him sidelined a lot and it's happening. He's Tyresse from the Walking Dead now. LOL. I laugh to keep from crying.

Maybe he knew how to DJ before he became an assassin?