Juan Powers

They got way too many characters now. It's time for a couple of spin-offs. Suicide Squad anyone? Give Ramsey and Addai-Robinson more camera time.

Stephanie Beatriz in a red dress with that lipstick made the episode for me.

Peggy and Angie all the way.

- So a cop and some dude show up at your house and say they are investigating a murder that occurred in your house 15 years ago. They ask to be let in so they can look around. At what point do you tell them to "fuck off" and slam the door in their face?

What is this, the Huffington Post? You really believe that?

Maybe he finally realized this was no "ordinary woman".

No, I was just replying to the first paragraph. The part about the misogyny.

Yeah because there were only white people in New York in the 40s. All us black folks were still in the South, I suppose.

I think it's a lot more likely that she was going to assassinate the
section chief, thereby sending the entire office into a frenzy of
activity, which would have distracted everyone long enough for the
'defector' to hypnotize someone and make his escape.

The misogyny is made up for, by watching women beat the holy shit out of men each episode. Peggy and Dottie are obviously the two bad asses on the show while the men are just bumbling meat heads who get in a lucky shot once in a while.

- Damn I thought Dottie was gonna shot that Russian shrink. Why not just use binoculars instead?

Because she has the government instead.

Can't have too many at once. By that, I mean black men.

I'm black and I don't even care anymore. From Tripp dying in Agents of Shield, Bob and Tyrese dying on the Walking Dead and Irving dying on Sleepy Hollow… I just don't care anymore.

Hell no. Modern Warfare was one of the best Community episodes ever. This was just okay.

Die Hard sucked after the one with Samuel L. Jackson.

Remember. It's "I" before "E" except after "C".

Did you see his dad? He was clearly of Indian decent.

So Raj's dad has another son on CBS… and now he is dead. Raj is gonna be so pissed.

I was thinking Freddy Mercury.