Juan Powers

My review for this episode, and this show can be summed up in one word.

Yeah I'm tired of watching Diggle walk around the Arrow cave while the others are out in the field kicking ass. I know he's got a daughter to look after but still…

What was the point of Diggle having an assault rifle?

Felicity got annoying episodes ago.

Phil and Claire couldn't care less about Alex going to college.

I'm 37 so I don't know what is in style these days. I don't even know what "bae" means. LOL

I wonder - did people call their significant others "boo" way back in 1995?

I wonder what Steve thinks about Agent Carter?

That would be ABC. I swear those men sit when they pee.

Doesn't she always look that way?

Dude it's the 40s. Didn't they burn gays and lesbians at the stake then?

Surprised she didn't call in an air strike. I could have sworn she killed at least 5 of them in a row.

It’s easy to believe Peggy and Dum Dum Dugan are old war buddies thanks
to Atwell and Neal McDonough’s relaxed rapport. They have a playfully
flirty dynamic that suggests Peggy wouldn’t mind taking that red
mustache for a joyride one day.

It made me dislike Thompson even more.

4.) Sousa mentions Belarus but that country did not exist until 1990.

Wah wah. I'm gay and my daddy doesn't approve. Wah wah. That's his character, folks.

Am I the only one who is on board with Supes and Wonder Woman dating?

Does Penny always sound like she's taking a shit when she does aerobics?

For a second there when watching that scene, I was afraid Sheldon wouldn't get that they were actually playing along right then.

So it's okay for women to be affectionate with their dogs but men can't?