Juan Powers

I can't think of any.

How many comments are in this weeks episode of Black-ish? Never mind, I'll check for myself.

Not liking the casting choice for Jason Rusch… just sayin.

I wish I hadn't read that. I really enjoy watching this show as its the last show I watch each week.

it also doesnt help that each episode is 1 hour and 30 minutes long. There are movies that dont take that much time.

Damn I wanted to see upside down Kitty. Damn you Gregson!!!!!!!!

With her hair and make-up she looks older than that. *drives to the nearest police station to turn himself in*

Umm. Manny. Wouldn't Joe be Jay's THIRD chance? Claire and Mitchell were his first and second.

They've kissed before.

That would have been less effective. I believe it's more effective if you publicly make an example out of those who do wrong.

Well she wanted to make an example out of Molly so the rest of the girls knew what would happen if they tried it.

You guys might wanna check this site out. It explains each episode's little details that a casual watcher, like myself, would not catch.

If she breaks out Chun Li's spinning bird kick any time this season, I'm tossing my TV out the window.

Yeah, the reviewer got it wrong.

- Can someone explain why Sousa is able to go into the field despite his handicap?

Did someone get her a$$ eaten out on the show last night?

Nice to see Alfredo again.

I give you a thumbs up for saying she aint the 3rd broke girl.

Right because men beating up women is considered horrible but women beating up men is looked at as comedy.