Juan Powers

Just when I thought this show couldnt get any more dirtier… they get dirtier.

As much as I enjoy the show, I don't like how they are, at times, throwing black men under the bus with this whole homophobia nonsense. There was a line in this weeks episode, "the joys of being the son of a black man." which was said, with great sarcasm, by Ryan Morgan, the documentary filmmaker, who is also gay and

Drip!! Drop!!! makes me wanna cut my eyes out with a butter knife.

Men’s Rights Activist meet-ups, brought to you by Backstrom

That mentality is very common in the black community. We will hate on black people who date/marry white or non black people but we are okay with the products of those unions.

Yeah you missed something alright. He wasn't playing Russian Roulette.

+ The writers at Arrow finally accepts the fact Laurel is much better suited getting her ass kicked by more trained fighters. There isn't anyone whose ass, she should be able to kick except maybe Diggle's baby daughter.

I thought it was near Parts Unknown.

I nominate Phil for most… least attentive parent ever. One of his daughters was sitting behind him and the other was in her bed asleep and he had no clue. He even didn't know Luke was at Jay's house.

I can't wait for the Shaft trade to come out. I enjoyed the first few issues.

Did anyone notice a black cop… in 1946?

Doesn't that same crap happen on the Americans?

and it only took til the end of the season to figure it out.

an Alex character? I don't get it.

I would have taken a shotgun blast to her knee cap before I let them know I was there.

It sounds like Cypress Hill which makes no sense because they are a west coast group. They should have gotten the rap group, 95 South, to make the theme instead.

Don't say that.

Unless I missed something, I find it odd that Jessica doesnt want to turn the AC on because it would cost money but she is okay with running water out of a garden hose and not even getting it on her kids, which is another waste.

Yes we did.

Yeah, that confused me. Why did she want to find her a prostitute all of a sudden?
No one else thought that was bizarre.