
Oh, T-Dawg. At least the other characters have said his name less in the second season.

Yeah. Keeping Shane a live was about the only way in which the TV show improved on the comic.

I'm honestly confused by your comment (no snark). Can you clarify, (especially point B)?

I'm sympathetic to criticisms of the Walking Dead, I really am. But I have to point out that you're using some pretty harsh words for a show that you appear to be watching regularly.

Or the comic.

That sounds about right. My unapproved comment, which I can assure you is unbelievably witty, is still sitting up there at the top of the comments section, awaiting approval. I'd give you the gist of it, but then I'd be letting the fascists (i.e. Sean O'Neal) win.

I submitted a comment mocking that statement, but it was deemed offensive by Disqus's robo-censors, and is currently awaiting approval by a moderator.

Chris Cornell is such a faggot… Faggot as in "bundle of sticks." Guy needs to put on some weight. 
There’s no other word for it.

And wouldn't you know it, a Chinaman just came into my office and stole my Season 3 of Breaking Bad DVDs. That's Congress for ya.

This was funny even though I had to have it explained to me.

Eh. I hated him long before it was cool to hate him. I can recall cracking a "Dane Cook sucks" joke as early as 2001. So I've earned this goddammit.

I haven't read the article yet, but I would imagine each Dane Cook show is worst than the last, so that each show is the worst show of his life. Kind of like Office Space, only worse because you end up killing yourself instead of having sex with Jennifer Aniston.

Also, he's wearing one of those overly-wide leather wrist watches (or maybe it's just a bracelet?) like Tom Cruise in Magnolia. Automatic point deduction.

Get those quotation marks outta here!

"Steve, will you pull out your hair plugs so you can secretly appear in the background of this Office episode that no one will see?"

Help! I wasted my last Wikipedia search on "Bicentennial Man (film)."


This actually makes sense. I mean, what were the 3 Star Wars prequels but crappy student films, only with Space Wizards and Rastafarian Newt-Men?

Some burdens even she won't carry.

Woof! Um, I mean, pop culture reference!