Breakfast - the Most Important

Wow, I haven't thought about Vermicious Knids in a long, long time.

Yes! The first thing that came to mind when I saw the title was Californication - massive disappointment after loving BSSM (and somehow never hearing One Hot Minute).

Man, Horsefellow was NEVER subtle.

Well, Aquemini has a lot of its skits tacked on the end of tracks, and yeah, they really break up the flow of the album for me. It's a shame.

With the bezel?!

"Do you remember all those Christmases when your mama walk in the room, and pretend she was a tree?" Gold. The bit about eating cereal with forks to save the milk still cracks me up too.

Good, so it wasn't just me…

Sigh. Sad but true. And I do like Paul.

Don't like the title? Then kiss my bottom!

"…we're literally bathing in jacuzzis filled with bird shit."

One of the best, no doubt. Especially the penis reference.

wtf is overkill lol

Yeah, and it's talking about the one song everybody's already heard.

You know, I have some cream for that.

When you someone drag a joke on too long.

$25,000 for gear is fucking ridiculous too. What a pack of cunts.

He is also Madlib's brother, am I right?

I actually really liked that dolphin track. But yeah, she can get a little precious at times.

First one that comes to mind is the Spongebob movie. What else is there?

I would watch the shit out of Ocnarf!