Breakfast - the Most Important

"The fact that that scene and the "Free Love Freeway" scene in "Training" are in the same show, 8 episodes apart, is why "The Office" is maybe the best sitcom ever."

@Hapless Flunky: Back of the net!


I had a collection of some of the shorts called 'Feel Our Pain' on VHS, and I remember that stuff being pretty damn funny. Of course, that was when I was twelve, but thinking back to some of that stuff still makes me laugh. I think 'Choke' was on there, and the one with the blood pressure machine.

Yeah, that one was pure. Tom Judd's also made me laugh pretty hard.

I have no idea why the OP is suggesting a box set that contains all the misfires of seasons 9, 10 and 11 but not the gold in season 2 and early season 3.

Don't forget Beth Ditto. People LOVE making fat jokes about her.

Steve Coogan's in this?
Jurassic Park!

Nothing about your post makes any sense.

Glad to see a bit of Coldplay defending going on here - I agree that the first two albums are pretty solid, and they've managed to put out some enjoyable stuff since. 'Lost' off Viva La Vida, is a fantastic tune, for example. They're not the greatest band in the world, by a long shot, but they do know how to write a

Unablogger: are you saying you *don't* wish death on Andy Dick?


Yeah, I don't understand the comparison at all. I don't even know where to start.

Every time I see this album mentioned it makes me want to listen to Born Like This. Fuck it, I'm going to do it.

Yeah, the casino one is right up there - one of my favourite Simpsons scenes ever. The Golden Slumbers one is amazing too.

I'm very late to the party here, but great thread everyone! I really enjoyed myself.

If you think shit like this represents hip-hop, then you really haven't tried that hard.

No props for this joke? I dug it.

Dunno if anyone is still reading this now, but I've got to echo the love for DD/YL. Not necessarily their best, but still pretty damn awesome. Hey Venus! is fantastic too. I agree that they're 9 for 9 - now when's album number 10 coming along?!

I agree.