Breakfast - the Most Important

Yeah, I admit the David Blaine skit still makes me giggle. It's been a few months since I spun the album, time to remedy that…

Yeah, she was one of my favourite players this season too. Seemed pretty fun and chilled out most of the time, plus she trolled Ressell pretty hard. Sad to see her go.

Also, ain't nothing wrong with Hardcore Hustle.

I would place Madvillainy at the top, with Vaudeville Villain right behind. And I am a massive hip-hop fan and still love the shit out of Danger Doom - it is one of the most fun albums I own, and I consider that high praise.

Don't rub your fanny on me!

Bonus points for referencing something at the end of the article too. Yeah, I know that it's possible to just skip to the end, but I like the thought that went into it.

I only just got into VGPS this year and holy shit, is it ever amazing. Not sure if I'd go quite as far as saying it's *better* than any Beatles album, but it's definitely right up there. So many great tunes. What album should I check out next?

Also, nice to Cibo Matto get a mention in the article. Viva! La Woman is one of my all-time favourites.

I can confirm, Dummy is great sex music.

That would be unbelievably crushing.

I know that comedy is subjective, but if you seriously believe that Izzard is only as well-known and popular as he is because of his cross-dressing, you're an idiot.

Sean, you hawt!

Actually, that does sound kind of awesome.

I laughed.

How about when Phil touched Ashley(?)'s shoulders in excitement during the challenge? Her face was priceless.

Plus Heffer's mum was called Virginia Wolfe.

Close the internet: Lionel Enriched Uranium just won this shit.

I'm going to see DOOM on Monday… A tad worried about this imposter thing. Surely it's illegal to advertise something and then not deliver on it? I'm probably being hopelessly naive here.

I never saw The Gift, but I still remember it as being "that movie where you get to see Katie Holmes' boobs".

His scene at the end was hilarious! In a way, his part really was one of the best, and he played it so well.