Dollar Bill Wirtz

They're going to nominate Cory Booker, a man who literally made up a friend to seem more authentically black, in 2020. He will win exactly six states.

Don't bother arguing with him, his brain is as smooth as a baby's ass.

It was all so, SO Aaron Sorkin-esque, less bringing a knife to a gunfight and more bringing a feather to a gunfight.

Problem is, when it comes to presidential elections THAT'S NOT HOW IT WORKS.

I think this is because most of the DNC people are eternally re-living high school, where they were Tracy Flick and desperately wanted to be accepted by the football team or the cheerleaders.

Seeing the Dems embrace such shitty people as Justin "Nice Socks (but has reneged on every one of his lefty stances" Trudeau, Leo "Brown And Gay (and also an admirer of Maggie Thatcher)" Varadkar, Angela "Mutti Loves Refugees (and hates gays)" Merkel and Emmanuel "So Smart (and also a monarchist)" Macron simply

(in Ron Howard voice) It wasn't.

I'm sorry, but that won't end racism. Now you know what will end racism? Charter schools!

At least you have the decency to admit you were wrong, unlike most Blue Checkmark Twitter who will, several months on, put their fingers in their ears and shout LALALALAALALALA I CAN'T HEAR YOU WE CAN'T HAVE SINGLE PAYER AND ALL PEOPLE LEFT OF ABUELA ARE WHITE CISHET DUDEBROS

Problem is the Dem leadership is totally, completely insulated and up its own ass, because they can say "What are ya gonna do, vote GOP?" without realizing that a lot of those people will choose the only winning move, which of course is not to play.

Every day, the Simpsons "WE HATE LIFE AND OURSELVES! WE CAN'T GOVERN!" bit about the Dems becomes that much truer. #DemExit, people.

Okay, who else wants a pair of Beek Jeans?

Fuck that and fuck you.

/tilts head to side at 90-degree angle

Adam Friedland go in a Lyft

On this most recent episode of Chapo, Matt got so angry during the Reading Series of Megan McArdle's terrible, TERRIBLE article about the Grenfell Tower fire that his neighbors called the cops on him. Also, they had a really good Grey Wolves ep with Angela Nagle, whose new book Kill All Normies (about the rise of

The baseball eps are great, as is the Orange Riots ep (which I will always shill for as it's a Chapo crossover and involves beating up on Huns).

Now I want to see Slappy Squirrel review this book.

I used to like AHP when she was writing Scandals of Classic Hollywood for The Awl, but ever since going to Buzzfeed she's been firmly caught in the celebrity feminism trap. Never mind that all these women will earn more money in a month that I have in my entire lifetime, something something empowerment!