Dollar Bill Wirtz

I've said in this space before that since he's already done the Group Areas Act in District 9, apartheid proper in Elysium, and crime in the new South Africa in Chappie, Blomkamp's now going to do either a metaphor for either immigration from Zimbabwe and the rest of Africa, a metaphor for the knife-edge racial

Sorry, but Bill Murray has become extremely one-note and thus annoying.

There was A LOT of Chapo this week, so I'll just go through the main points:

Seeing libs on Twitter twist themselves into a Windsor knot to defend the carceral state because YASS SLAY KHALEESI ABUELA was involved is most diverting.

I'VE SAID IT BEFORE, I'LL SAY IT AGAIN: Imo's Pizza is a cruel joke that we here in STL like to play on outsiders. If you really want good pizza here, go to Blackthorn or Fortel's or Pi if you're feeling schmancy.

Hearing De Crecio explain how, after his talk with Neera Tchanjen, you need to show hespetch for your father in Brussels like you do in the spirituão sense to the Papa in Roma, still makes me laugh.

Oh yes, I'm aware of that feud, and it's hilariously petty.

Someone put together a supercut of Adam telling the story on both Cum Town and Chapo, with a brief interlude so we can here exactly what kind of podcast Sarah Lerner produces.

Now I'm going to get some Wensleydale and crackers in his memory.

There needs to be a Cum Town/Chapo crossover that is just Adam and Felix doing accents. (If you haven't heard Adam trying to talk like his father, it's pretty fokken lekker.)

Just admit you're going to merge with The Ringer (their motto: "If it isn't the NBA, it doesn't exist as a sport") and be frank about it.

Adam's Bill Maher apology is an all-time classic. (Still not the best moment involving Adam and Twitter, because we'll always have the Lyft Share.)

Last week's Chapo with RL Stephens was so good, they made it free (it was originally a Grey Wolves ep). Listen to it.

As a big fan of the Twitter account @InternetOfShit, I greatly enjoyed the smart-fridge subplot. Suck It Jin-Yang!

And several other people who were veterans of The Struggle. Hell, this week Sunny Singh (who served 10+ yrs in Robben Island) said that what Palestinians are living through is WORSE than what he dealt with under apartheid.

This is the exact fallacious argument the Nasionale Party used to say that black citizens of Apartheid SA were technically residents of a Bantustan like Venda or Ciskei instead of SA proper.

Holy shit, that's stupid.

Apparently even in films set in the '60s/'70s/early '80s where half of everyone would have a dart in their hand, they can't do it because it'd "glamorize tobacco use" according to the MPAA and thus bump that rating out of the important PG-13 sweet spot.

I have a question, and I know you all have it too: what is up Satan's ass?

Excuse me for quoting from Barstool, but their (genuinely good despite where he works) hockey writer expresses all my feelings about this film: