
B.D. Davis always came off as a significantly terrible person in comparison to likely exaggerated but real cruelty Christina Crawford suffered.

I think the show did a really good job of showing how similar they were but how their few very stark differences made them dislike each other intently. Joan Crawford believed in appearances: beautiful dresses, glamorous closeups, a perfect home and family, and a type written letter for everything*. Bette Davis never

If you're still watching Bill Maher in the year of our lord 2017, you're probably beyond caring about this anyways.

Jesus Christ, does EVERYTHING have to be a metaphor now?

Like you wouldn't do it if you were a giant dragon with a magnum dong.

I don't think "It" wants to trick them at first. I think it wants them to know what it is and build terror. The longer it goes on the more innocuous the creature appears. Take the guy in the opening who sees a pretty girl in a yellow sundress. He's been dealing with it awhile and now it's being sneaky.

I hate to get into a conversation about why It Follows actually rules because it's always the worst, but I really don't think "the movie breaks the rules" was ever a fair complaint.

Most people I see say that "transvestite" meant the same thing as "trasngender" in the 70s, including Cox which I guess is true. My viewing of the movie was influenced by the times though and i always saw Frank. N. Furter as a transvestite (ie: a man in women's clothing) with a fluid gender.

I don't think it was very good, to be honest. It didn't have enough energy and parts that should have been belted out fell flat. For a song that's supposed to introduce a gamechanging character it felt like it didn't have enough "OOMPH" to really throw our straight laced main characters for a loop.

This movie's such a damn delight from start to finish. The mystery, the fraught relationships, the remarkable camerawork (especially during the Shotgun Ed sequence) and some really great performances from Pearce and Crowe.

Man, that Angela interrogation shit was creepy.

He's a ghost, and he writes to us… ReaderWriterGhost!

1. Ghostwriter is the most 90s show and I kind of love it. It's so earnest and strange.

Can we share our on dark Always Sunny fan theories?

I'm also white as SHIT and i'll talk to you about Hamilton so it checks out

Jennifer Connolly looks like she could probably convince us only six years have passed so let's get her agent on the phone for some scenes.

Okay, listen, I actually sat there and was like "I can just stop talking about this and my life will go on and it'll be fine" but you seem like a decent person and I'll try not to make it a "thing" where I'm arguing on the internet.

What can I say, I bristle at bosses getting labor killed and getting away with it. I'm pretty fun at parties! I tell the story about how I got too drunk to sing Interstate Love Song after I was begging to sing it all night. A crowd pleaser!

I'm poor as SHIT and i'll talk to you about Hamilton

John Landis's name should be toxic on par with Bill Cosby because he murdered children and not something that allowed a mediocre writer a springboard to a platform where he can spew misogyny and condescension towards minority groups.