
Is the ghoulish Hollywood story about how a lazy director murdered a star and a bunch of kids, got away with it, and now his son argues with women on Twitter all day, ignorant that his privileged foot in the door to show biz was paid for with the blood of children?

I really feel sympathy for people burned by The 100 story line. I'm gay and the observation about gay characters getting the shaft is a correct one. When Lexa died I even said "Oh, man, she just got Tara-d"


it's a bitter sweet SYMPHONY that's… life….

Jesus Christ, every time I come to the AV Club today there's a picture of this dude doing yoga or whatever and it is killing me inside. My thirst for him…. I am drowning…. stop….

Yeah ok, I'll believe it when I see it. Deadwood, Carnivale,and Rome have had movies promised for the last decade. I can't afford to believe them. I won't be hurt again.

I'm legitimately surprised to see this get such a positive review. I thought it might be one of the worst films Tarantino has ever made. It was over long, poorly edited, and didn't have much payoff for such a long movie.

Oh, McCartan was in the Heather's musical. Which gives me more hope for him than the previous work listened in the article. This is going to be a disaster, though. I'm ready.

I love almost every song in Assassin's. Unfortunately, the only one I'm not too keen on is Everybody's Got the Right.

I got yelled at for disrespecting Paul McCartney by dissing this song. Well, y'know what? If you really liked Paul, you wouldn't accept this song. You would know he could do better.

If you're going to release an anime cover album, at least put out some deep cuts.

I'd bang Brian Posehn but I'd probably feel weird about it.

Okay, help me out here. The FBI's final test was to see who would blindly stay in a room with a ticking time bomb that they have no knowledge or ability to help diffuse to see if they're willing to sacrifice themselves for their country?

I've always been a fan of The Last Broadcast, which came out a couple of months before The Blair Witch Project but was more faux-documentary than found footage.

The opening to Scream is one of the scariest movie moments ever. Her parents coming home just as she's caught by the killer, her chest wound preventing her from crying out to them is so nightmarish. Then Casey finally reaching her mother through the still active phone after it's too late for them to help makes it that

It was a real missed opportunity to not have Courtney Cox as the fill-in podcast host at the end of the episode.

1. Ti West was wasted on this show and but I did freak out when I saw his name on the credits. I was really disappointed he didn't direct the finale as well.

Jesse Quick/Liberty Belle is one of my favorite B-tier superheroes. She's so fun.

Will it be good, though?

I feel like the Venn diagram of Carnivale fans and Deadwood fans are pretty close to just a circle.