Warren Oates

Ah, a fellow New Order hater. Well played, sir.

Continue to granulate this logic please…

I'm going with smooth Yacht Rock and using the solo from 'Feels So Good' by my man Chuck Mangione. Right behind it would be the little instrumental break in 'Just the two of us' by Grover Cleveland.

Beat it, Jazz boy. Even God hates Jazz.

Your post is perfect if you just remove the INXS reference.

Go on…

Oh, in Trump's America we're not getting a Lancer character….

I think it could be a movie, as you could cut a LOT of filler and even whole characters that wouldn't be missed.

I'm assuming your only going by the first 'season': what about the last season when the Invid already conquered Earth?

Nice story…tell it to readers digest!

I'm going to regret this: but what two suits do you own?

#Idontlikemondays #tellmewhy

More bad news for us kids of the 70's: Martin Landau apparently passed today as well. Loved him in Space:1999 as a kid, and of course he fucking ruled in Ed Wood as Lugosi. Karloff can suck my dick!

I was disagreeing with the gentleman above your post that I prefer TCM to NOTLD. But there's no denying Romero had more talent and the better film canon.

I'll chainsaw you in half for that! We can agree to disagree. And that doesn't make the fact that Mr. Romero, who I met for a whole 15 seconds at a horror con and was incredibly cool and awesome, has passed away any less painful

Just found out myself, and I'm crushed. One of my fondest memories was watching the original NOTLD on my black and white back in the late 70's, in the dark, and being fucking terrified.

Fuck you Dewey!

People like you are the reason people like me hate message boards. Fuck your higher standards, fuck nobility and fuck your ancient Egyptian cats.

Nah: I thought it was OK. But more important then my opinion is my daughters, who both loved it. And while it rehashed a lot of a new hope, it had enough magic to it that it was enjoyable. And I'd be lying if this 40 something old man didn't well up watching the reunion scene of Han and Leia, and Han and his dickbag

Not as well known as Parts: the Clonus Horror. This has been Peter Graves from Biography.