Warren Oates

It could be worse for either one of us: it could be that bald whiny fuck Caillou or however you spell his name.

My oldest daughter loved Rudolph like that, and vintage Scooby Doo for some reason. The middle one loves Mr. Fox and the Lego Batman movie, so go figure.

Duel is a great, great drive in movie that was made for Television by a guy with incredible talent.

Even Warren Oates couldn't save that one…

I knew him from IP man, but I was still surprised how much he ruled Rogue One. My kids, who have never seen him outside of Rogue One, adore him and made me buy those POP figures of him. He's the man in that film, and the movie definitely needed more of him.

You can beg all you want, but you'd still be wrong Sir.

I like the cut of your gibe, Sir.

For men, no. For my three daughters under the age of 9? Sure.

I remember liking the show, although pretty sure it was cancelled rather quickly.

But I'd argue it's not meant to be a laff riot either: it's a Rom-Com sort of.

I vaguely remember that promo: great stuff.

My favorite Showalter anything isn't WHAS: it's the Baxter, which is much funnier and poignant then it has any damn right being. It's so well done and perfect in it's own right. It's like a rom-com for people (like me) who fucking hate them.

It sounds like shit no matter who fucking plays it.

It's fucking terrible in any key…

"And from that manure will grow the greatest country in the world, motherfuckers!"

I see nothing wrong with these commercials: why, the thought of a woman changing her own tire is just fucking ludicrous. And I'm pretty sure Japan and Asian culture are accurately depicted as well. Now, if you need me, I'm going to spread some more Manifest Destiny, bitches.

This sounds good in theory…and I've never seen the show Married so…

I would like to discuss why Johnny doesn't care.

Well, I did ask for that considering I thought of Metallica…

Remember when they showed independent movies on IFC?