Warren Oates

I'd accept Joel Murray showing up drunk with a very distinct urine stain on the front of his pants.

Was I the only one expecting to hear Metallica's Ride the Lightning? Even if it wasn't the actual song but a song off the album would have been cool.

EXCUSE ME, maybe you need a man to explain this to you?

Large Marge?

You go fuck yourself.

I try to listen when I can: I genuinely like Le Batard and Stugotz a ton. Usually pretty damn entertaining.

You never saw "Step Brothers"? No fucking Catalina Wine Mixer for you, friendo.

Oh, it's terrible but it's also entertaining.

I read the book by the chauffeur/gopher: it was pretty good, which makes me want to give that doc a try. Thanks for the heads up it's on Netflix.

I went to the MST3K live shows last night, and stopped at the bar on the way home: I actually made the bartender put that on till they closed up. I forgot how fucking short our hero is in that film, and his awesome Macgyver haircut and unibrow.

Saturday: saw the double MST3K live shows in NYC last night. I sat right in front of TV'S Frank, who was completely cool and let me take a picture of him. I also bumped into Jonah before the first show: he's a fucking giant (no shit, he's taller then Joel McHale) and he's actually a lot skinnier in person. I guess TV

I'm assuming there's a point where helpless children toys are butchered in a way befitting a Lannister wedding crash?

You know, I almost wish you hadn't even mentioned it: so help me that scene still hurts me as a grown up. I wouldn't dream of letting my children see that movie.

You mean the book "The Mouse and his child" isn't a grim horrifying view of existence where toys are brutally dismembered for parts?

THAT is the exact scene I'm thinking of. Holy shit that traumatized me. I had nightmares about that as a kid for a while.

I have the opposite experience: that fucking Mouse movie (which I only viewed maybe twice as a kid in the late 70's) still haunts me, whereas I remember NOTHING from the Point despite having seen it when I was older. Good soundtrack though.

My office has a bad ventilation system that is always causing dry eye and so forth…

I haven't seen it since I was a kid in the 70's: for the life of me I can't recall it, but I vaguely remember the part with "Me and my Arrow"

I haven't enjoyed hearing that fucking song in over 20 years…until now.